Monday, March 29, 2010

Exercise 4

1. Describe the important and distinguishing properties of Peer to Peer computing with the client/server architecture?

The peer to peer called P2P is described to a class of a system and application. And client-server model shows the execution of entities with the roles. Peer to Peer and client-server architectures are divided into two methodologies to allow resources to be distributed in a network. Peer to Peer agrees any application such as data, printers, and other localized resources to be used through more computers in the same network (Milojicic et al, 2002).

Peer to Peer is generally easy to build up and manage, because limitations or security is not implemented. Each computers in the network perform as client and server at the same time, receiving and providing information from other computers. This architecture is particularly utilized into small networks that has not many traffic and security issue.

On the other hand, in a client/server network clients utilize resources residing in a centralized server. Centralized servers speed up the shared facilities all over the network. Furthermore, security can be enhanced defining permissions and policies over the network (Milojicic et al, 2002). Client-server architecture is usually recommended for larger organizations that needs high level of security and fast access. However, it has some drawbacks such as the complexity of set up and the constant management required.


Milojicic, D.,& Kalogeraki, V.,& Lukose, R., & Nagaraja, K.,& Pruyne, J., & Richard, B., & Rollins, S., & Xu, Zhichen.(2002). Peer-to-Peer Computing. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from Open document

2. Frameworks for development. Compare and contrast any TWO of:

a. Java
b. .NET
c. Ruby on Rails
d. Turbo Gears
e. Google Gears
f. AJAX frameworks

Java and .Net are the most widely used platform for programming development. Firstly, The Java programming language is an object-oriented language that has a syntax similar to that of C (Flanagan, 2002). And, the system has made powerful, because of avoiding the overly complex features of other object-objected languages, such as C++. So, the Java has proved popular with programmers, who develop system for their work with Java after struggling with more difficult, less powerful languages (Flanagan, 2002).

Secondly, according to Tapadiya, .Net is new initiative for building applications regardless of the platform or languages in use. .Net has been designed to support multiple programming languages (2002). The .Net framework is high-productivity, standards-based, multilanuage application execution environment. It consists of a runtime environment called the common language runtime and a set of libraries to boot programers’s productivity.

Finally, Java was created to run over many operating systems such as Linux, Solaris or Microsoft. .Net is a Microsoft proprietary language and its base code can be viewed only for reference reasons. However, Java is open source software and its content can be examined and shared in its total.


Tapadiya, P. (2002). .NET programming. (1th ed, pp3-16). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:USA.

Flanagan, D.(2002). JAVA In a nutsshell. (4th ed. pp3-9). Sebastopol, CA:USA.

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